travel and tourism in pasca pandemic

Post-Pandemic Tourism = Safe and Sound Tourist

Indonesia is slowly recovering! Fast and equitable vaccinations and the application of strict health protocol rules have succeeded in making the pandemic no longer powerful. This condition restores hope for several affected industrial sectors, especially for the tourism sector. The situation that is gradually recovering has made the Indonesian government begin to loosen up several…


Localism, Is It Possible?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) feel the immediate impact. From the April 2020 MSME Community Survey, 83% of MSMEs have the potential to go out of business. Reporting from the Katadata Insight Center, 82,9% of MSMEs felt the bad impact and only 5,9% felt positive growth. In fact, MSMEs…

Behind Valentine’s Day

Valentine celebration is not from any Indonesian’s tradition, but it is often used by brand, marketers, and several other related parties as a moment to communicate their campaigns. On Valentine Day, the theme of affection spreads almost everywhere.   Affection is generally directed to the person who is considered the most valuable, most respected, and…