
travel and tourism in pasca pandemic

Post-Pandemic Tourism = Safe and Sound Tourist

Indonesia is slowly recovering! Fast and equitable vaccinations and the application of strict health protocol rules have succeeded in making the pandemic no longer powerful. This condition restores hope for several affected industrial sectors, especially for the tourism sector. The situation that is gradually recovering has made the Indonesian government begin to loosen up several…

Gen Z and Youtube

Indonesian Youth Cannot Live Without Video Content

The modern era and technological advances have led us to online interaction. The Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) recently issued a report “Indonesian Internet Profile 2022”. In the report APJII revealed that internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 77.02% in 2021-2022 period. Indonesia internet penetration is growing year to year. In 2018, Indonesia…

menjunjung tinggi rating

Idolize the Rating

Marketplace is a new place for MSMEs to sell their wares online. Even though it is not really recently that MSMEs have moved their stalls to online, it turns out that there are still many things they do not know for sure – one of those things is the issue of rating.   At first…

perempuan penjaga bumi

Women, The Guardian of Earth

Talking about gender equality in a country with a strong patriarchal system is an interesting discussion. As in Indonesia, where the role of men is seen to be more prominent, while the role of women is made only to support the role of men. Agree or disagree with this, the facts say so.   However,…