Even though the pandemic is over, economic recovery and many industries from various sectors are slowly recovering. Some companies go out of business and start from zero again, which causes the availability of job opportunities increasingly narrow. Technological disruption is also affecting employment opportunities more or less, thereby creating new jobs, which, of course, need to be adapted to the character of Generation Z.
We all need to be alert. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency’s 2020 Population Census, Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, will dominate Indonesia’s total population, reaching 27.94 percent of 270.2 million people.
Source: Katadata 2021-Proporsi Populasi Generasi Z dan Milenial Terbesar di Indonesia
In addition, Bappenas predicts that at the demographic peak in 2030 – 2040, the number of people of productive age in Indonesia will reach 64 percent of the total population. In 2045, Bappenas also projects that Generation Z will contribute significantly to the productive age.
Source: Katadata 2021-Sensus Penduduk 2020 Penduduk Indonesia didominasi Gen Z dan Milenial
Source: Kompas.id-Lapangan kerja untuk Gen Z Indonesia
The demographic structure of people who do not work or are unemployed due to technological disruption will be dominated by the younger generation, namely those aged 15-24 (generation Z).
Unemployment Rate Still High
The unemployment rate is still high year after year, even though the pandemic contributes to this problem. We certainly cannot blame the pandemic situation. We also realize that the government has been unable to reduce unemployment significantly.
Indeed, various educational programs are carried out to prepare human resources to work in industry, such as pre-employment programs, which, in practice, still need to target all people who need them.
Various new education policies have also been implemented, but the implementation is not as expected or relevant to the jobs that Generation Z needs.
However, all parties need to be optimistic and think critically to reduce the problem of high unemployment, especially Gen Z, to as low as possible. It starts with more educational policies and programs that equip the community to become good human resources ready to be deployed in the work industry, which will always be in contact with technology.
With this data, whether we like it or not, Generation Z, a productive generation that will need many job opportunities, will face future challenges. Therefore, it is a good idea for the government to prepare all efforts to reduce the unemployment rate. However, the government’s task is to provide jobs and ‘new’ jobs suitable for Generation Z, who are more fast-thinking and in tune with technological innovation or digital natives.
‘New’ job opportunities for Generation Z
Why is the availability of these ‘new’ jobs important? If there are few jobs, then unemployment increases. Other impacts include lowering people’s purchasing power and decreasing people’s welfare. With these various problems, the government’s homework becomes even more challenging.
Before, there was hot talk about the APBN being in surplus. This means that the realization of government spending is less than optimal, which will ultimately impact economic growth and indirectly also affect the availability of jobs, especially for the next generation: Generation Z.
Source: Kompas.id-apbn surplus belanja pemerintah dinilai belum optimal
Several possibilities that occur when the APBN Surplus:
- When government spending is higher (deficit), The expectation of economic growth will be higher
- When government spending is low (surplus), economic growth will decrease
- If government spending equals revenue, then the economy will run smoothly
Jobs that are suitable for Generation Z
Maybe some of these job lists can be of concern to the government to adjust the ‘new’ jobs that the government will create according to the current technological era and turn out to be a dream job for Gen Z:
- Corporate Recruiter
- Marketing Manager
- Social Media Manager
- Data Scientist
- Product Manager
- IT Specialist
- Account Coordinator
- Credit Analyst
- Project Engineer
- Business Development Associate
Source: Kompas.com-10 pekerjaan impian gen z serta rekomendasi jurusan dan kampusnya