The Marketing and Advertising situation in Indonesia still keeps going and needs many adjustments. Especially for the last two years, this pandemic bring many changes in the way of sales. Brands are necessary to maximize fare, increase awareness, and produce desired sales.
One of the changes that took place in the pandemic era and still applied these days is selling in the online ecosystem. Instead of hard-selling, many brands are implementing the method of soft-selling, where are they driving the audience to use the content.
Until now, video content become the center of interest for the public. The Fusion between visual and audio can easily take attention and lead to a decision to purchase.
Marketers maximize the distribution of their video content on almost all platforms. However, not all content is ultimately ‘eaten’ by the audience. Here is the challenge for all Marketers must know what evaluation from the audience about their content. This evaluation will brings influence brands.
Public Perception About Great Video Content
Usually, brands will prepare big expenses for making video manifestos. Those expense has expected can produce ‘wow’ quality videos. According to most brands, making videos with expensive costs and the number one technical quality is great video content.
People have perceptions about great video content. Society of several countries in the Asia-Pacific such as Australia, India, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines agree that great video content contains stories that are relevant for all.
To examine again, the relevant story is the suitable quality of what raised a topic, resonance of broad emotions, and how far quality of the story can inspire.
Relevant stories are more followed by the audience if the creator of the video content is also relevant/appropriate to them. This point aligned with the authenticity of a creator in serving video content. What we need to underline is about all the trend video content this day must glorify authenticity, aesthetics, and even imperfection.
So, What Should Brands Know?
Key Takeaway 1
Serve relevant stories for targeted circles.
Not all products or services that the brand sells can be targeted to all demographics of society. Certainly, there is a certain social class to target. So, serving video content with relevant stories for targeted circles is an important point that should be remembered
From this point, the first step that brands can do is to ensure which social class that appropriate for the product or services to be offered. Then, the brand needs to know the demographics class in detail and clearly.
Demographics in a certain class are influenced by many problems. Brands need to know what makes this group decide to buy something. Knowing the persona of the social group’s existing target, the brand will easy to determine a relevant story for that social class.
Key Takeaway 2
Relevant creator or role model.
Besides relevant stories, creators or role models that brands use as an iconin the video content should be matched by the class-targeted community.
No one must figure out the big ones already known, a brand can notice the authenticity of the creator or role models. Creators who can show authentic stories and emotions tend to get the attention that trending these days.
But of course, again the brand must watch demographics or targeted audience personas, so that desired suitability can be reached.
Key Takeaway 3
Imperfect shots sometimes are the authenticity that audiences looking for.
Instead, of yearning for excellent quality video techniques, imperfect shots will be surprising elements that easy to get the attention audience. It seems this tends due to slogans that humans have no escape from mistakes.
So, all of the mistakes in the video content rather tend to change to the authenticity that audience like. However, it is necessary to underline that no one must make mistakes for the purpose to displayed and getting attention.
Now, Audiences are already smart and observant to see which ones are authentic and which ones are fabricated. So, the focus on authenticity and creativity is already enough to show great video content.
Many perceptions about great video content, but the perception from the audience of the brand of course be calculated. One of the strongest fundamentals in preparation for making great video content is creativity. So, are you ready to be more creative?
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