The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things, including the way young people invest. Previously, they were attached on the image of FOMO. In terms of investment, sometimes of them try to invest their money just for trend.
However, the image of FOMO seems to change slowly due to the pandemic. Based on our previous writing, we found that young people today tend to be FORO (Fear of Running Out). Young people do not want to run out of money in times like this.
The way they survive in this condition that are not yet fully normal is an interesting insight to know deeper. Starting from preparing an emergency fund, being disciplined in using money, till looking for additional income; there are some efforts for not running out of money.
From those efforts, the third way, additional income is a point that this time will be reviewed further. The youth has various ways to earn extra money, such as be a freelancer, content creator, and to do some investment. The next question is, with the persona or image of the youth now incline to FORO, what kind of investment do they choose?
This question has an answer that can serve as a benchmark for brands from the banking sector, fintech, and other related parties. To find out more, please dive into the discussion this time.
Now, The Youth Has Calculations
We knew there is image changing of the youth from FOMO to FORO and it needs time. Moreover, the pandemic is being an accelerator for the youth has FORO mindset faster. This point needs to be a note for brands.
The fundamental things on pandemic such as increasing need for health, the existence of restrictions on activities, to the risk of losing income – are shadowing behind the youth today. Who wants to lose money? No one wants to lose money include the youth. So now, money is a dynamo for them to survive.
By the fact, they are looking for additional income and investing is one of the ways. Reporting from, according to the Capital Market Book by Eduardus Tandelin; investment is a commitment to place a certain amount of funds that are currently carried out with the aim of getting profits in the future.
With FORO mindset, the following types of investments are chosen by the youth:
Starting from a Small Nominal
Reksadana Pasar Uang have various products that can start from a nominal value of Rp 10.000 – Rp 100.000.
Big Profit, Big loss Risk
Cryptocurrency is a new type of investment that played by many people, includes the youth. Even though it is known for having high risk, the benefits that await are also big. In cryptocurrency, the youth can also start with a small nominal. Many platforms accommodate the abilities of the youth.
Gold, the Lowest Risk
Gold is an investment that has a low risk compared to other types of investment such as crypto or stocks. The value tends to stable is one of the concern of the youth choosing gold as their investment. Now, there are some platform that makes the youth can buy gold from small nominal.
Insight, Insight, Insight
- They are getting smarter than ever.
- The calculations and analyses carried out by the youth today are based on FORO mindset. This point can be utilized by brands.
- The youth has an audacity to choose cryptocurrency as one of their investment. This point is also can be noted by brands.
So, What Can Brands Do?
Based on the various insights that have been mentioned, the first thing brands can do is become a mentor to help them manage their expenses. They might be smarter, but they also need a guide to arrange the money. While, instead of reminding them not to run out of money, brands can place their products and services.
As mentors, brands can also provide knowledge about the type of investment they choose, especially for cryptocurrencies. This point can be converted into social media content that easy to understand by the youth.
After all, brand should uphold the transparencies. This is fundamental for both brands and the youth. The youth will appreciate this point because they have known transparency in financial things is an important basic. So, for finding out more what other things brands can do, please contact us from this site.