In this modern era, where we can get everything easily and just within seconds, urban healthy lifestyle in Indonesia is showing an ongoing decrease.
This is indicated by the increasing number of people in Indonesia suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. This fact is very closely related to bad living habits such as unhealthy eating habits which is not maintained by regular exercise or any other physical activities.
Basically, the human body consists of a set of systems that work systematically with one another. Therefore, it is considered to be necessary for us to always maintain physical health by adopting a healthy lifestyle. StratX Insight sees this problem as an opportunity to help people rediscovering healthy habits that have long been neglected. We conducted a series of qualitative study to in Greater Jakarta area to find out about their usual practice and perspective of healthy.
Moreover, we acknowledge the difference in people’s perspective about the importance of living healthy lifestyle and conducted research by asking questions to several respondents. As the result, 4 (four) main variables are obtained which are a healthy lifestyle is important to have a fit body, enjoy life, look more keen and fresh, and have healthy mindset.
Some couples believe that adopting a healthy lifestyle will increase the chance of the wife to get pregnant, while most respondents stated that stated that the purpose in adopting a healthy lifestyle was to obtain a proportional body shape, as it will serve to help them getting recognition from certain parties. Moreover, some respondents stated that their purpose in adopting a healthy lifestyle is to have a fit body to do activities. Last purpose, they believe that implementing a healthy lifestyle will give them the opportunities to enjoy and live a happy old age.
Based on research conducted by the StratX Insight , there are 3 (three) fundamental variables that are categorized as a process for the Indonesian people to achieve healthy lifestyle. First, managing the daily consumption by paying attention to the standard of daily calorie intake and start to consume healthy foods like vegetable salads, fruits, and avoid fast or junk food. Next, they need to exercise regularly such as going for a jog or exercise at the gym. Furthermore, they need to get enough of sleep, that is, a minimum of 8 (eight) hours per day.
Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy at all. People must overcome the obstacles and faithfulness effort in order to achieve it. In adopting a healthy lifestyle, there are several obstacles that must be encountered, first, the biggest obstacles is to adjust your eating behaviour. In this case, everyone is needed to avoid consuming fast food and also decrease the consumption of diets that contain high level of salt, sugar, and fat by increasing the consumption of healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits.
Second, the limited time each person has to do exercise for a certain of reasons that are inevitable, such as working or studying. A way to solve this is by registering as a member of local gym had arranging routine schedule by adjusting it to our daily activities.
Third, having enough sleep every day is one of the biggest obstacles for some people who are always chased by deadlines for schoolwork or employee task. Hence, the solutions are doing the work one by one so that it can be done without having to ruin the time for rest. Next, fulfil the body’s needs for nutrition with healthy eating. In addition, the most important thing is to stop overthinking everything to get a clear mind.
Furthermore, every individual who most likely wants to adopt a healthy lifestyle has various of strong intentions that can keep them consistently living healthy lifestyles and slowly begin to leave bad habits. Some of the reasons are because they have someone in their closest circle that are suffering with chronic diseases, have a history of hereditary disease, are overweight, as well as to have a proportional body shape.
To overcome the obstacles of living a healthy lifestyle, every individual must have a strong intentions and high faithfulness. There are any various level of intentions, obstacles, and faithfulness to obtaining a healthy lifestyle. StratX Insight found the fact that there were 3 (three) stages of changing in consumer awareness of living a healthy lifestyle, there are apprentices, proficient, and healthy mindfulness.
Stage one, someone who is at the apprentice level has the lowest level of intentions and faithfulness. The apprentices are only limited to understanding the benefits of implementing a healthy lifestyle, but do not apply them on a daily basis and consistently. Second, someone at the next level is an individual who has a strong level of intentions and faithfulness, and understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle and has adopted a healthy lifestyle.
In addition, proficient also tries to adjust their eating habits to consume more on healthy food compared to fast food. Finally, the stage of healthy mindfulness are those who have a very high level of intentions and faithfulness compared to the previous 2 (two) stages. In general, someone who has reached the stage of healthy mindfulness has a very good understanding of healthy lifestyle. Basically, individuals who reach this stage are a group of people who have a positive mindset so that they can run a healthy lifestyle in a sustainable action.
Hence, the perception of urban society about healthy living can be influenced by external and internal consumer factors. To implement a healthy lifestyle as a whole in human life, there is a need for a strong intention to face obstacles during the process of achieving a healthy purpose. How brands and ecosystems support consumers in the context of a healthy lifestyle will also greatly affect intention and will be considered beneficial if it can reduce the obstacles being faced.